The story begins when Mickey decides to organize an unforgettable Valentine's Day for his beloved. This day he took Minnie on a wild shopping spree, spending money left and right. The entire scene has been captured in the form of a unique print on Dibond® material with a mirror effect.
The artwork shows Mickey dressed in Versace pants and branded shoes, presenting himself as a true fashion virtuoso. Minnie, on the other hand, opted for more modesty, with Chanel shoes as her favorite wardrobe choice for special occasions. In the background, dollars shimmer, heralding the enthusiasm and joy of life for this loving couple.
Shopping bags from renowned brands such as Rolex, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton highlight their stylish taste. Characteristic patterns and paint splashes give the artwork a unique look, adding depth and three-dimensionality.
In a romantic moment, Mickey decided to express his love with the words "I love you to the moon and back." Happy Minnie returns the favor with a juicy kiss. This scene, full of love and luxury is an expression of affection between the most recognizable couple in the Disney world.
I love you to the moon and back - Mickey & Minnie
Please send a message requesting the price.
Limited Edition 25.
Original print on high-end finish Dibond®.
Framed in a gold ornamental frame (dimensions without a frame are 60x60 cm).
68,5 x 68,5 x 3,2 cm (Height x Width x Depth)
It is possible to request a different frame.
Medium: Print on Dibond® with acrylic paint touch-ups, each is unique.
The artwork is signed lower right and countersigned on the back
The work comes with a certificate of authenticity